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MED, the Mijosoft Extensions Directory

Written by Denis Dulici on Tuesday, 21 January 2014. Posted in Miwisoft, MijoShop, MED, News . Hits: 17855

MED, the Mijosoft Extensions Directory
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the introduction blog post of MED, the Mijosoft Extensions Directory! Below you'll be able to find the purpose and cool features of our new extension directory. So let's get inside MED!

med-1 med-3 med-2 med-4 

The purpose of MED is to provide a platform where 3rd party developers could distribute and provide support for their free/paid extensions compatible with Mijosoft components, especially MijoShop.

Fully compatible with MijoShop

As mentioned on our site, OpenCart extensions (except themes) are compatible with MijoShop. However, some extensions (generally not written according to OpenCart MVC) don't work on MijoShop. To avoid such an issue, extensions submitted on MED are tested on MijoShop by our team and published if they work fine. This was also our next step after we announced that MijoShop won't follow OpenCart path anymore as you customers were worried about the extension compatibility. Currently there are 200+ extensions submitted by OpenCart developers and confirmed/published by our team and tens of them are waiting in the publishing queue.

Support system

Another problem reported by our customers was the slow support provided by OpenCart developers because of not having any place to communicate. As a solution, MED includes an internal tickets system where customers can open tickets directly to developers about the extensions they have purchased. Every step made on MED is monitorable so we could easily solve any issue between the customer and developer. Developers can also open tickets to our team for any issue related with their extensions.

Commision rate

As you may know, gets 30% of your payment to any extension. According to our purpose mentioned above, we don't aim to earn money but bring our customers and developers together so our commision rate is as low as 5%, a rate just to be able to maintain the directory as our team is growing day by day. In short, developers will earn more from their work.

6 months of support

Another result of MED is the support that Mijosoft team will provide to extensions purchased from Until June 2014, our team will continue to provide such a support service for free. After that, you will need to ask the extension developer directly so we strongly recommend you to purchase the extensions from MED in order to avoid any compatibility problem. You can be sure that OpenCart developers will be able to submit their extensions to MED until that date.

What's next?

The next step is the Extension Installer built-in MijoShop from where you will be able to purchase/download and install extensions within a couple of clicks. Of course that it won't be like Joomla's one where you have to jump here and there but like the Apple/Google Store. Our developers have already started their work on this task.

Of course that MED is built on Joomla, MijoShop, Multi-Vendor (waabay), MijoSEF and MijoSearch systems.

Key Features

  • Extension Marketplace
  • Fully MijoShop compatible
  • Customer support provided by developers
  • Developer support provided by Mijosoft
  • Low commision rate, developer friendly


Thank you for reading, time to surf:

Enjoy it!

About the Author

Denis Dulici

Denis Dulici

Denis joined the World Wide Web in 2006 with SMF forum and continued with Joomla and WordPress. Due to his education, his all job was to write and maintain code. His professional field is PHP & MySQL but due to his job & education he also masters XML, Java and C# languages.

Denis is a citizen of Albania, bachelor of Marmara University Technology Engineering, Senior PHP Developer, founder of Miwisoft, married and father of a teenyweeny girl.



Martin Kortekaas
#1 Martin Kortekaas 2014-01-21 16:44
This is so great!

Today I asked your support team about an extensions and they pointed me to this. And guess what, I found the right extension there.
An extension directory was the only thing missing for Mijoshop and now we have it!
Niels Bons
+1 #2 Niels Bons 2014-01-21 19:57
Thank you!

This is really a great help!
Delano Hankers
+2 #3 Delano Hankers 2014-01-21 20:20
Really great! Make things a lot easier! Keep up the good work!
Pat Pughe-Parry
+3 #4 Pat Pughe-Parry 2014-01-22 05:48
Thank you so much for this. It makes it so much easier to find relevant extensions without trawling through thousands and getting totally overwhelmed. Really excited to try some of them.
JD Mumma
+1 #5 JD Mumma 2014-01-25 05:25
Thank you!
Reuben Hochstetler
#6 Reuben Hochstetler 2014-02-10 22:50
I would like to know if there is a module that will let me use a form to suggest products based on the form answers. For example I sell crossbows on my website and I would like to have a very simple form for customers to fill out and then after they answer the 3-5 questions I'd like to automatically list the crossbows that would meet the correct criteria. Is there currently a module or extension available like that?
Alan  Brigden
#7 Alan Brigden 2014-02-14 00:32
I would like to find a module that lets you edit the invoice I have countless customers asking for that function. I actually found it here.

I wonder if anyone could maybe check to see if it will work ?
#8 Renem 2014-02-24 12:22
Very usefull thanks!
Gary Barclay
#9 Gary Barclay 2014-03-19 13:04
This looks great, a welcome addition to make Mijoshop that bit stronger.
Looking at the screenshots though, I would provide a little more info for each item on the listings view. When searching through such short titles, there will be a lot of clicking in and out of details just to check if an extension does what you think it will.

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