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MijoEvents 1.1 is out, Front-end Submit

Written by Denis Dulici on Thursday, 22 August 2013. Posted in MijoEvents, Releases, Coupons . Hits: 11678

MijoEvents 1.1 is out, Front-end Submit
Another millestone is out for our powerful Event Management and Booking component, MijoEvents. This release includes some cool features requested from our members such as front-end submission, responsive design, field fee, multiple booking etc.

mijoevents-110-frontendsubmit mijoevents-110-editunpublish mijoevents-110-responsive mijoevents-110-fieldfee    

Front-end Submission

This was the most wanted feature. Now you can not only submit events from the front-end but also edit and save the changes. Front-end submission/edition offers all of the options/features that MijoEvents offers you while editing/creating any event from back-end. Of course that everything is done according to the Joomla ACL permissions.

Responsive Design

One of the most popular terms nowadays, responsive design is now available with MijoEvents. You will have an event management and booking system fully compatible with mobile devices.

Field Option Fee

Personally, this is the most powerful feature of this release. Some event booking components offers you the possibility to charge attenders per field during the registration. MijoEvents goes a step forward and offers you charge per option so you can sell different tickets types such as child, handicapped etc. from one event. You can increase/decrease the event price according to the selected options.

Multiple Event Booking

The last but not the latest, now you can book more than one event in one cart/checkout while previously you had to order only one event per time.

There are also a couple of minor features such as selecting tax class from MijoEvents or Xmap plugin that cames with this release.

What is new in MijoEvents 1.1

  • # : Event copy and mijoshop update problem
  • # : Komento integration problem
  • # : Tax Class resetting
  • # : Category calendar wrong date and Joomla 3.0 not working
  • # : Registration not working if any field name contains single quote
  • # : Alias problem when copying any event
  • # : Number of Attendees always shown "0" in back-end
  • # : Month select box not working in calendar
  • # : Getting wrong date in weekly calendar when SEF enabled
  • # : Sending waitinglist emails even the feature is disabled
  • + : Front-end event submission and edition
  • + : Responsive design
  • + : Field option fee
  • + : Multiple event booking
  • + : Xmap plugin
  • + : Ability to set the Tax Class directly from MijoEvents


How to upgrade to MijoEvents 1.1

Very simple, check this article please. Even we use a dedicated server, the automatic upgrade may fail sometimes due to the high load. You can use the manual upgrade in such a case. As always, don't forget to take a back-up before upgrading.

Get 11% discount

Don't you have MijoEvents yet? Feel yourself lucky as we offer 11% discount until 25/08/2013 24:00 GMT+3 to celeberate this release. Coupon code: events11

Enjoy it!

About the Author

Denis Dulici

Denis Dulici

Denis joined the World Wide Web in 2006 with SMF forum and continued with Joomla and WordPress. Due to his education, his all job was to write and maintain code. His professional field is PHP & MySQL but due to his job & education he also masters XML, Java and C# languages.

Denis is a citizen of Albania, bachelor of Marmara University Technology Engineering, Senior PHP Developer, founder of Miwisoft, married and father of a teenyweeny girl.



no name
#1 no name 2013-08-22 17:07
great work - as always - this is it - guys
Steve H
#2 Steve H 2013-08-22 17:16
Do you have the demo site running mijoevents 1.1? If so, how do I login to see the front end event submission feature? I need to see how it easy it would be for my users to actually figure it out.
Denis Dulici
#3 Denis Dulici 2013-08-22 17:57
@no name
You're welcome.

I'm sorry but currently we don't have a demo for that yet. We're currently working one that.
lacoste chiu
#4 lacoste chiu 2013-08-23 08:40
I want to use this component, it seems perfect !
I have 2 question :
1. Can I create recurring (daily, monthly, weekly) events ?
2. Can aceshop payments use for mijoevent ?
thanks a lot !
Denis Dulici
#5 Denis Dulici 2013-08-23 08:47
1) Yes
2) Not AceShop, MijoShop payments can be used. You can migrate from AceShop to MijoShop easily.
lacoste chiu
#6 lacoste chiu 2013-08-23 09:03
Thank you for your reply.
Does "Fully integrated with mijoshop" means mijoevent can using mijoshop's payment gateways for payment ?

Because I have some aceshop payment gateways that using in Taiwan, but no mijoshop.
Is it easy to change aceshop gateway to mijoshop ?

Thank you !
Denis Dulici
#7 Denis Dulici 2013-08-23 23:03
Yes, MijoEvents uses MijoShop's payment gateways for payment and it's not hard to change a payment gateway from AceShop.
lacoste chiu
#8 lacoste chiu 2013-08-24 18:21
I already subscribed mijoevent for one year.
Thanks you.
Steve H
#9 Steve H 2013-09-26 15:42
Is there a demo of the front end submit yet?
Michael Nielsen
#10 Michael Nielsen 2013-10-29 16:09
Hi Denis,
Where do I find documentation on how to make a checklist and headings for a group of fields?

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