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MijoSearch 1.2 is out, results with images

Written by Denis Dulici on Thursday, 15 November 2012. Posted in MijoSearch, Releases . Hits: 19994

MijoSearch 1.2 is out, results with images

I'm proud to announce a new version of the best Joomla Site Search component, MijoSearch. This release includes several bug fixes and a couple of very cool new features such as search results with images.

mijosearch-120-images Search in sub categories Ordering 

As you can see from the above screenshots, now you can have images in the search results for ALL components. You can also set the image position (right or left) and set the image size.

Another "most wanted" feature was the search into the sub-categories of the selected categories. This also comes with release so now if anyone selects "Joomla" category (see the second screenshot) then the results will come from all it's sub categories, not just from the selected one as it was before.

Lastly, Gilbert has added another field in the search results where you can select the order of results, ascending or descending.

What is new in MijoSearch 1.2

  • # : Google style not compatible with SEF components
  • # : Subcategories are shown with sub char
  • # : Extension filter not working with SEF enabled
  • # : Extension params not able to override global configuration
  • # : No extensions showing while creating filters
  • + : Search results with images
  • + : Searching in subscategories
  • + : Ascending and Descending order for results
  • + : Getting Itemid according to user group


I have to thank all of our MijoSearch users as all of these items were reported/requested by them.

Don't forget to update all of the installed MijoSearch extensions as these features are related with them.

What about Joomla 3 ?

That is also coming soon, stay tuned ;)

Feel free to comment about this release.


About the Author

Denis Dulici

Denis Dulici

Denis joined the World Wide Web in 2006 with SMF forum and continued with Joomla and WordPress. Due to his education, his all job was to write and maintain code. His professional field is PHP & MySQL but due to his job & education he also masters XML, Java and C# languages.

Denis is a citizen of Albania, bachelor of Marmara University Technology Engineering, Senior PHP Developer, founder of Miwisoft, married and father of a teenyweeny girl.



matt cobosca
#1 matt cobosca 2012-11-17 12:29
Does free version support showing images? Or maybe images need to have a special class or something?

I've installed the free version, Show image is set to Yes by default, but there are no images in search results :/

Do I need to purchase one of paid license to have this feature?

Denis Dulici
#2 Denis Dulici 2012-11-17 12:42
Yes, it's included in the free version too. For component/exten sion are you trying to display images?
matt cobosca
#3 matt cobosca 2012-11-17 13:50
Thank you for fast reply.

I'm not quite sure what you mean.

There's URL:
Mijosearch is used as module.

I'm typing "fryzjer angel" (it's hairdresser angel) and for example 2nd or 3rd result has some images, but they are not displayed at result page.

In configuration > Front-end > Show image, it's set to Yes (as default).

Gilbert Lici
+1 #4 Gilbert Lici 2012-11-18 00:16
Plz make sure that you've selected any image on the "Images and links" tab (right side) of the article. See the image plz.

You can also select which image you wanna show, intro or full article image, on "MijoSearch=>Ex tensions=>Conte nt=>Common" .

Best Regards.
matt cobosca
#5 matt cobosca 2012-11-18 13:22
Thanks for clear explanation.

I see what the problem is. It requires Joomla! 2.5, as Joomla 1.5 doesn't have Images and links section :/ So results with images don't work on J!1.5

Would it be possible to add a feature showing images with a certain class? Let's say use an image with class="mijosear ch" as thumbnail on search result page. I would gladly pay for Plus or Pro version with such feature.

Ildar Khasanov
#6 Ildar Khasanov 2012-11-23 13:58
Hi guys!
Recently I've bought extension for Joomshopping, which unfortunately works exactly the same as an original Joomshopping seach module.
It does not work, when you try to limit a search by any Joomshopping category (see the setting for advanced search.

Enjoy you weekend guys!!!
Denis Dulici
#7 Denis Dulici 2012-11-23 14:40
Can you plz open a ticket for your issue?

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