I'm proud to announce a new version of the magnificent Joomla SEO & SEF URLs component, MijoSEF. This major release includes two major features; SEO Rank and Social SEO, and a lot of problems solved including a security issue.
We all spend time in optimizing our page for better SEO but mostly don't know the result of our effort. Therefore we decided to work on this task and here we have such a feature implemented in MijoSEF 1.5. Thanks to this feature, you'll be able to get the SEO analysis of any page within just 1 click and see the details including handy suggestions in case optimization is required.
Social Media is getting more and more popular as days pass and it has already presented it's own standards. Open Graph protocol is the most popular which allows you to have the same functionality as any other object on social sites lilke Facebook. You can set a custom title, description, image etc for your pages while being displayed in social media sites. You can also set to use the already entered Metadata for this purpose.
We've updated the content plugin so that it fits the standards of Joomla 3 and makes your life easier while entering the metadata of your pages.
Yesterday, we noticed a medium priority SQL injection vulnerability and fixed it immediately. The issue is being triggered only when the "MijoSEF => Configuration => URLs => Insert active ItemID" option is set to "Yes". By default, that option is set as "No" when you install MijoSEF so:
The compatibility with Joomla 3 and PHP 5.5 has been severely improved.
Lastly, we've fixed a couple of bugs and added some new options like replacing slash with dash in titles.
Changelog: http://miwisoft.com/joomla-extensions/mijosef-joomla-seo-sef-urls#changelog
Details: http://miwisoft.com/joomla-extensions/mijosef-joomla-seo-sef-urls
Very simple, check this article plz. Even we use a dedicated server, the automatic upgrade may fail sometimes due to the high load. You can use the manual upgrade in such a case. As always, don't forget to take a back-up before upgrading.
Don't you have MijoSEF yet? Feel yourself lucky as we offer 15% discount until 29th October 2014 24:00 GMT+2 to celeberate this release. Coupon code: mijosef15
PS: This version was not planned to be released today but had to due to the security vulnerability!
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