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MijoShop 1.1.6 released

Written by Denis Dulici on Tuesday, 02 October 2012. Posted in MijoShop, Releases . Hits: 10552

MijoShop 1.1.6 released
Hi again,

I'm proud to announce another release of the best Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. This release fixes a couple of bugs and brings 2 very important changes/features to MijoShop; multilingual support for VirtueMart migration tool and more compatibility with OpenCart extensions.

So from now, you can migrate all your products, categories and manufacturers for all available languages from VirtueMart to MijoShop just in 3 clicks.

Another awesome feature of this release is the compatibility with the OpenCart extensions that uses Ajax calls. Previously it required some changes to make them compatible with MijoShop but from now, they will be out-of-box compatible with MijoShop.

What is new in MijoShop 1.1.6

  • # : File upload not working in product page (front-end)
  • # : Shopping Cart module not saving the settings in back-end
  • # : JavaScript error when editing a customer from front-end management
  • + : JoomFish & Joomla 2.5 multilingual support for the VirtueMart migration tool
  • ^ : Improved compatibility with OC extensions that use Ajax calls
  • ^ : Renamed fancybox option to colorbox in jQuery plugin parameters


How to update?

Just go to MijoShop => Upgrade  from admin panel and click on the "Upgrade from Mijosoft server". Here you can find more details about how to update.

Enjoy it!

About the Author

Denis Dulici

Denis Dulici

Denis joined the World Wide Web in 2006 with SMF forum and continued with Joomla and WordPress. Due to his education, his all job was to write and maintain code. His professional field is PHP & MySQL but due to his job & education he also masters XML, Java and C# languages.

Denis is a citizen of Albania, bachelor of Marmara University Technology Engineering, Senior PHP Developer, founder of Miwisoft, married and father of a teenyweeny girl.



Matt Slack
#1 Matt Slack 2012-10-08 08:30
Hi Denis,

Nice work with the MijoShop cart. Can you give any estimates on how far away Joomla 3 support is? I know it's only just been released, i'm just looking around at the options available for a new e-commerce site that i'm building.

Denis Dulici
#2 Denis Dulici 2012-10-08 11:56
Just released Matt. Here you have it:
Matt Slack
#3 Matt Slack 2012-10-09 07:57
Thanks Denis that's brilliant! :) Exciting time to be a Joomla Dev.

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