I'm proud to announce a new version of the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. In this release we've implemented the absolute must feature for a serious ecommerce app, real-time analytics.
We're happy to announce another Responsive Joomla template from OptimumTheme template club that supports MijoShop. Pazar theme is a fully customized template for MijoShop with an eye-catching grid listing layout.
I'm happy to announce a new version of the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. In this release we've added new features such as Extension Installer and Realex payment gateway.
We're excited to bring in another Responsive Joomla template from JoomlArt template club that supports Mijoshop. JA Decor is a unique Joomla template for decor, interior design or any type of eCommerce site built on MijoShop.
We're proud to introduce a new Responsive Joomla template for MijoShop from JoomlArt template club. Purity III is a FREE Joomla template which serves as a perfect starting point for any Joomla projects built on the leading Joomla Shopping Cart.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the introduction blog post of MED, the Mijosoft Extensions Directory! Below you'll be able to find the purpose and cool features of our new extension directory. So let's get inside MED!
We're glad to announce a new Responsive Joomla template for MijoShop from JoomlArt template club. JA Bookshop is a supreme Joomla template for online bookstores or any type of e-commerce site built on MijoShop, the leading Joomla Shopping Cart.
I'm happy to announce a new version of the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. In this release we've continued improving MijoShop by adding new features such as desktop app and multi-language alias.
I'm happy to announce the new responsive Joomla template for MijoShop, Arasta, from the OptimumTheme template company. Arasta is a flat, modern and minimal Joomla! template exclusively designed for MijoShop, the leading Joomla Shopping Cart.
I'm proud to announce another radical millestone for the leading Joomla Shopping Cart component, MijoShop. This millestone includes tens of new features, changes and fixes but the most important one is the multi-language adaptation with Joomla.