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Mijosoft team in Athens

Written by Yusuf Uygun on Monday, 01 July 2013. Posted in Miwisoft, News . Hits: 8977

Mijosoft team in Athens
Previous month (15 and 16 June) we were invited to the JoomlaDay Greece 2013 event. We visited some monuments and we had a great weather. People were friendly and helpful to us.

We made some new friends and we had a beautifull time with them. In the meanwhile we had an oppurtunity to present MijoShop on the Joomladay.

We realised that some of the friends didn't had enough experience about our components, especially MijoShop. So we came up to a decision with Denis and we decided to stay for 1 month in Athens (3 July till 30 July).
While we (I and Gilbert) are in Athens we will provide live support every Sunday of the week (4 times in total). This doesn't mean that you can't visit us to drop by and have a little chat.

You will have to send us an email so we can provide you the correct address information.

Our contact information is: yusufuygun(at)

See you there...

About the Author

Yusuf Uygun

Yusuf Uygun

Yusuf, the famous white hat hacker who protects our company from the "bad" guys. He graduated from Computer Engineering in the Netherlands and loves coding. He is also mad on Blackberry phones.


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