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MiwoShop 3 - New & Responsive Design for WP

Written by Denis Dulici on Wednesday, 18 February 2015. Posted in WordPress, Releases, Coupons . Hits: 11199

MiwoShop 3 - New & Responsive Design for WP

After extensive development and testing, the ultimate WordPress shopping cart, MiwoShop 3 is out! This release invites you to meet with M-Commerce (Mobile Commerce), the future of online shopping industry.


New Design

The main task of this release was design, the battle between User Interface and User Experience. After meetings over meetings, tons of stressful hours MiwoShop 3 is out with a whole new interface as shown in the above teaser. We've moved the menu from top to the left side and added a toolbar at the top. The toolbar includes an amazing Ajax Search that search between products, categories, manufacturers, customers, orders etc. and allows you to go to the respective edit page instantly. It also has notification buttons that highlights new orders, customers etc. The left side menu is also collasible.

Fully Responsive, Back-end & Front-end

That's right, MiwoShop 3 reforms the WordPress E-Commerce field with responsive back-end and front-end interface. Due to the rise of mobile devices on almost every field, the E-Commerce industry has had a major impact. According to Comscore, 78% of local business searches from mobile phones resulted in a purchase, a really huge percentage.

Custom Fields

MiwoShop 3 comes with Custom Fields feature which is useful to add extra input for customer account or address. You can add unlimited new fields, but not disable the default fields.

Recurring Payments

Recurring payments was one of the most requested feature from our members. MiwoShop 3 comes with this feature in the core. You can set days, weeks, months and years for the recurring time.

Marketing Tracking

This is a great feature to help you track how effective specific campaign lead to sales. All you have to do is to add a unique ID to your links.

What is new in MiwoShop 3

  • + : New Dashboard
  • + : Responsive Design
  • + : Custom Fields
  • + : Recurring Payments
  • + : Marketing Tracking
  • + : API integrated
  • + : OpenCart 2 implemented


How to upgrade to MiwoShop 3

Very simple, check this article for the details. Even we use a dedicated server, the automatic upgrade may fail sometimes due to the high load. You can use the manual upgrade in such a case. As always, don't forget to take a back-up before upgrading.

Get 30% discount

Don't you have MiwoShop yet? You can test the Free version or feel yourself lucky as we offer 30% discount for the Pro version until 24th February 2015 24:00 GMT+2 to celeberate this release. Coupon code: miwoshop3


About the Author

Denis Dulici

Denis Dulici

Denis joined the World Wide Web in 2006 with SMF forum and continued with Joomla and WordPress. Due to his education, his all job was to write and maintain code. His professional field is PHP & MySQL but due to his job & education he also masters XML, Java and C# languages.

Denis is a citizen of Albania, bachelor of Marmara University Technology Engineering, Senior PHP Developer, founder of Miwisoft, married and father of a teenyweeny girl.



ssnobben ssnobben
#1 ssnobben ssnobben 2015-02-23 18:23

I like your dev with this great ecommerce but wonder if you dont forget Joomla focus that compete with Wordpress e-commmerce solutions?

How should you compete with Wordpress Woocommmerce that have 20 developers and 6 millions downloads?

Isnt it better to focus on making Joomla 1-2 millions dl instead? Rgds!
Denis Dulici
#2 Denis Dulici 2015-02-24 03:50
Hi ssnobben

Thank you for your blunt-talking comment, appreciated.

You're right, there are big guys in the WP world. However, it's the same as when we got into the Joomla eCommerce area 3 years ago. VM/HikaShop was/is vandalising all around but we managed to put MijoShop where it is. So it's just a matter of hard-working + time.

Thanks again.
#3 Rhea 2015-02-24 18:29
Well atleast Wordpress treat developers fairly compare to Joomla's obvious actions against developers especially popular paid extensions. Isn't it?

90% of the Joomla users choose Joomla not because Joomla is great, it is because of it's extensions. If i want a social site, there's not many great choice in WordPress while Joomla has 2 good ones, so we use Joomla just because of Jomsocial or ES.
Goodluck and keep up the good work mijoshop!

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