
What we can do for you

Installation & Upgrading

Obtaining MijoSearch

You’ll receive the download link via e-mail or download it from your subscriptions page:


There are some requirements that your system/server should support...


- PHP 5.2.0 or higher
- Mbstring enabled



Joomla! 1.5 for MijoSearch j15 package
Joomla! 2.5 for MijoSearch j25 package
Joomla! 3.0 for MijoSearch j30 package


MijoSearch is easily installed as any Joomla component. That should be done through your site's backend.

Once you log in, you should open the Extensions => Extension Manager page and click on the [Browse..] button in the Upload Package File section. Navigate to the same MijoSearch file you have downloaded earlier and select it. Then click on the [Upload File & Install] button to start the installation. It will install :

1. The main MijoSearch component
2. Back-end & front-end search modules and quick icons module for back-end
3. Language files
4. Installer adapter that will enable installing MijoSearch extensions via standard Joomla installer
5. Database tables (#__mijosearch_extensions, #__mijosearch_filters,  #__mijosearch_search_results)


First of all, even we test each new version before the release, it is highly recommended to take a back-up of your site using Akeeba Backup (free) component before upgrading MijoSearch.

MijoSearch, on control panel, by showing the latest and installed versions, provides you convenience to be up-to-date. 

If a new version is released you’ll see a warning message saying :” There is a new version of MijoSearch available for download, please update now!”.
update 1   update 2
Automatic Upgrade
Thanks to this feature, you don't need anymore to download the new version and upload it to the Upgrade page each time you want to upgrade. MijoSearch will automatically download the new version and do the upgrade procedure itself.

Do not forget to enter your Personal ID in MijoSearch => Configuration => Main tab. You just have to click on the Upgrade from Miwisoft server button.
update 3
Manual Upgrade
Firstly you should download the latest version from our site (always the latest version is there) then login the administrator area of your website. Go to MijoSearch => Upgrade, browse the downloaded file then click on “Upload File & Install”.

That’s it, MijoSearch will be upgraded and we’ll see a message saying: ”MijoSearch upgraded successfully”. Now we are using the last version of MijoSearch and the message on Control Panel is saying that: ”You've the latest version installed.”

Note 1 : If you recieve any red message after uprading it means that MijoSearch is not upgraded. You should apply what the red message is saying, generally file or folder not writable.

Note 2 : There is no seperate file for Manual Upgrade, the installation file is also available for upgrade.

Note 3 : Nothing will be lost from your settings, statistics, extensions, data, items etc.


1. Log-in to your Joomla! backend with a Super Administrator account
2. Go to "Extensions => Install / Uninstall"
3. Under Components tab select the MijoSarch and click Uninstall button in the toolbar
4. Uninstallation should complete automatically

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