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The age of manually sitemap is closed. Now, just like other sitemap components like Joomap or Xmap, MijoSEF generates dynamic XML sitemap so you just have to add your sitemap link to Google/Yahoo then get out of the way, it'll be updated automatically. Of course, no plugin obligation.

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You can create a sitemap in XML format for ALL components without any plugin obligation. In contrarily from other Joomla! sitemap components, you can manage ALL sitemap's items, can set different date, frequency, priority or parent each sitemap's item.

Be aware that if you want to use static XML file then you should enable Cron Task in Configuration or click on "Generate XML" buton if you new URLs has been created.


New / Edit
You can add or edit all items for sitemap manually. Sitemap items/records are related but not the same with URL and/or Metadata which means deleting any URL/Metadata records won't delete the related Sitemap item/record.

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To include the filtered items in sitemap you should click on apply after making the date, frequency and priority changes. If you've set to Yes the "Ping after XML generation" in MijoSEF configuration, the sitemap will be pinged to Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

Generate Sitemap
You can generate the sitemap items automatically according to your Configuration & URLs just by clicking on Generate Sitemap.

Generate XML
This functionality is useful if you use static XML file instead of dynamic link. It will add your published sitemap items to the XML file.

Set Parent, Date, Frequency or Priority
You can make changes on these options for any item or items you select or filter.

Ping Google, Yahoo, Bing
This will ping the sitemap to Google, Yahoo or Bing so that spiders will be notified about the changes you've made.

Ping Services
Ping your sitemap to services such as pingomatic, technorati etc. Do not forget to add these services in MijoSEF=>Configuration=>Sitemap=>Ping Services field. Note that Services can be pinged only if you're using the the File sitemap type, not Dynamic link.

You can get a backup by selecting or filtering the items.

XML sitemap

You can get the XML sitemap link from MijoSEF=>Configuration=>Sitemap, check the following article for more details:

HTML sitemap

ID, Parent and Order columns
These columns are used to set which item/URL should be displayed after/under the other one. If you want to display any item/URL under another one then you should paste the ID of the superior item/URL to the Parent field of the subjacent item/URL. In this way you can obtain a hierarchal HTML view of your sitemap.

To display the sitemap, just like other components such as Xmap, add a menu item for MijoSEF component.

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