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Supported video formats

It is possible to upload videos in all popular video formats to MijoVideos and display them in your video gallery. The most popular video formats include: mpg, mpeg, avi, divx, mp4, flv, wmv, rm, mov, moov, asf, swf and vob

After the videos are uploaded they must all be converted using FFMPEG to the HTML5 video format.

MijoVideos does not convert the video itself, it uses FFMPEG to convert them. Therefore, you can accept any formats which are supported by your installations of FFMPEG. Standard installations of these programs come with build in support for most major video formats such as MPEG, WMV, MOV and AVI. Support for additional video formats can be added, but extra codecs might need to be installed on your server.

Once your FFMPEG can support extra formats you can add these formats into the MijoVideos => Configuration => Upload => Allow file types area, so users can start uploading them.

Here you can get more information about video codecs of FFMPEG:

Is the conversation required for all videos?
Yes, for all "local" videos, there is no exception to this. All videos must be converted to the HTML5 format before they will be displayed in your video gallery.

Local video means a video uploaded to your server, not a video embedded from other sites like YouTube.

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