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301 redirection from with index.php to without URLs

This can be done using .htaccess file. Open it and add the following code:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*/index\.php
RewriteRule ^(.*)index.php$ [R=301,L]

RewriteRule ^index\.php/(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Change the part with your site's domain.

404 error on popups

Try this plz, go to MijoSEF=>Configuration=>Advanced=>Base href value and set to "Use homepage"

500 error after renaming htaccess file

If you see error "500 - Internal server error" generated by your webserver after you have installed the MijoSEF component or after you did some adjustments in your .htaccess file, there is probably some misspelling or invalid configuration in the .htaccess file, or the .htaccess file usage is not allowed in your environment.

Most often, the cause is usage of some unsupported directive. Some servers may generate this, when Options +FollowSymLinks line is enabled (uncommented). This will occur when redefinition of Options is not allowed within .htaccess file because of security reasons. In such case, you will need to keep the line commented (in most cases you anyway do not need this activated).

Another reason for 500 - Internal server error may occur, if you have updated the .htaccess file. You may have added unsupported directive or made a spelling error when editing it. Double check all your adjustments or try to revert them.

In some environments, usage of .htaccess file may be prohibited globally by server administrator. In such case, just creating the file (MijoSEF attempts to create the file automatically during installation) may lead to 500 error. If this is your case, rename or delete the .htaccess file to get your site running again and consult your server admin about the next possible steps.

"Class 'JoomFishManager' not found" error

This happens when you have uninstalled JoomFish but some folders have not been removed.

Delete or Rename the following folder to something else plz:


$live_site variable of configuration.php

Joomla! tries to automatically detect your web site root URL (ie: by itself because this information is needed in many operations, especially those dealing with making links and URLs.

Because of a faulty web server setup the detection process sometimes fails. In such cases, various errors will appear, and MijoSEF, as it deals a lot with URLs will be one of the most affected extensions.

Thats why Joomla! has added a variable for this in configuration.php file (not MijoSEF's one), called $live_site.

If you're having problems with MijoSEF enabled then you should check this variable by opening the configuration file and check if the value is like:

var $live_site = '';

MijoSEF and IIS

Read this article and apply the proper (IIS 6 or IIS 7) changes please:

You can also try these proved instructions for IIS 7

MijoSEF does not work with JoomFish

Go to Extensions -> Plugins and check that the System - Jfrouter plugin is disabled.

If disabling this plugin causes the following error:
mod_jflanguageselection.php on line 75

Then apply the following steps:


$menu->_items = JFModuleHTML::getJFMenu($language->code, true);

// $menu->_items = JFModuleHTML::getJFMenu($language->code, true);


MijoSEF doesnt work with SOBI2

If SOBI2 URLs are giving 404 error then go to : SOBI2->General Configuration->Cache->Second Level Cache and set it to NO

Can I use MijoSEF on Zeus server?

Of course, please, apply the following instructions:

Can't edit URLs, tabs not in their places

Go to MijoSEF=>Configuration=>URLs=>Advanced=>Enable Source Tracker and set it to No then purge the problematic URLs.

Contact Us form generates 500 error

In fact the issue is not coused neither by Contact nor by MijoSEF but by your template. To solve it:


<input type="hidden" name="view" value="contact" />

<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_contact" />

If you've a qualified template this should be added there but in some templates is missed, which is a must for SEF components.

Direct Access to this location is not allowed

This error comes out if any of the extensions you've installed is not 1.5 Native compatible, even if it seems that it is. Of course that this extension is not MijoSEF, if so you would get this error message : "Restricted access".

If this error comes out only if MijoSEF is enabled GENERALLY the solution is:

1. OPEN components/com_yourcomponent/sef_ext.php or components/com_yourcomponent/com_yourcomponent.php
2. FIND Direct Access to this location is not allowed AND REPLACE that complete LINE with the one bellow:

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

Components that have this error:
- MyBlog

Generate URLs function not working

The old style (still used by other SEF components) SEF URL generation method for Joomla is to browse your site starting from home page. As MijoSEF has always been the locomotive of innavation of SEO for Joomla, it has a feature to Generate URLs from the back-end automatically by clicking just one button. However, sometimes it may not work, here it is ONE of the reasons:

The CPU usage limits assigned to your site may cause "500 Internal Server Error". This generally happens on shared hosts.

The more URLs you're trying to generate the more CPU is needed.

Of course that there are a lot of reasons that may trigger different errors. In such a case you should apply the old style URL generation, browse your site starting from home page so that MijoSEF could generate the SEF URLs.

This feature is still in experimental mode.

If Generate URLs does not work for you, then you can use any sitemap generator and let it browse your site starting from the homepage ( so that the URLs could be re-generated.

Home menu link does not work with JoomFish

If click on the Home button you get redirected to your main language instead of the currently language. This is caused by the mod_mainmenu or the custom menu module of your template provider. Here there are some known fixes:

mod_mainmenu (Joomla core)


$tmp->url = JURI::base();

$tmp->url = str_replace(array($tmp->route.'/', $tmp->route), '', JRoute::_($tmp->url));

mod_roknavmenu (RocketTheme)




$tmp->url = JURI::base();


$tmp->url = str_replace(array($tmp->route.'/', $tmp->route), '', JRoute::_($tmp->url));

menu (Gavick Pro)




$v->url = JURI::base();


$v->url = str_replace(array($v->route.'/', $v->route), '', JRoute::_($v->url));

HTML anchors are not working, missing images or other resources

Please note, that if base href generation is used, then all relative anchors, such as just "#anchor", or all other resources using relative paths (such as "/images/myimg.png" or "myfiles/file1.pdf") are automatically translated with the base href URL.

This means, that if you are using anchors and homepage as base href, all anchors will be looked at within the homepage, not the actual SEF URL! Using the same logics, if using actual SEF URL as base href and having "/images" as relative path, this path will be understood by browser as it would be appended behind the SEF URL! This is the most often reason why anchors do not work or some resources (such as images or styles) appear to be missing in the page when SEO and generation of SEF URLs that adds virtual directory structure in the URL addresses is ON.

To solve this, you have to either:

  1. disable generation of base href tag or
  2. keep the base href tag generation on, but make sure all links using SEO URLs + anchors or poiting to resources are absolute, not relative
Configuration of base href generation behaviour can be set in MijoSEF=>Configuration=>URLs=>Advanced=>Base href value
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