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I can't find homepage SEF URL

This happens if you've assigned any component other than Content (Articles) as "Default" menu item.

It's a Joomla Core (mod_mainmenu) related issue, there are 2 ways to fix it:

a. Create the SEF URL of homepage manually
1. Go to menu that your Default menu item is pointed (generally main menu)
2. Click on the menu item and copy the ID and Link entries then click on Cancel to get out of there
3. Finalize the Real URL by uniting the copied parts like: index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1
4. Go to MijoSEF=>SEF URLs, click on New button
5. Leave blank the SEF URL field and enter the created Real URL to the Real URL field, then set other parts as you want (meta etc)

b. Fix the mainmenu module


$tmp->url = JURI::base();

$tmp->url = str_replace(array($tmp->route.'/', $tmp->route), '', JRoute::_($tmp->url));

I can't save MijoSEF configuration

Joomla 2.5 & 3.x
Clean the Joomla cache and/or change the editor.

Joomla 1.5
Enable the "System - Mootools Upgrade" plugin.

I have too much 404 errors, how to learn the source

As you can see from this article, the source of 404 error may be different. MijoSEF offers you a method to learn the source.

Go to MijoSEF=>Configuration=>URLs=>Log 404 errors option and set it to Yes. With this option MijoSEF will store the 404 errors in a log file found in including various info such as referrer about the 404 error.

Is the plugins order important

Yes sir/madam, the plugins order is very important for MijoSEF.

To be more specific, the System type plugins order does affect MijoSEF's functionality. So this is the order that your System plugins should be ordered:
  • Other plugins
  • System - MijoSEF
  • Cache plugins

For more details check the following article:

List layout instead of Blog layout & Duplicated URLs

This known as "Duplicated URLs" issue and happens because there exists 2 links to the content/category in your site - 1 with category list layout and the other with blog layout.

At the start, MijoSEF find the link to category with one layout (mostly blog). So the appropriate URL is created and works fine...
... until another link is detected (mostly generated by 3rd party modules), that leads to the same category, but with different layout setting. Then another records is stored to database and possibly it automatically gets preference over the prior link stored. Check the following link to resolve this issue:

No images showing

This has nothing to do with MijoSEF or even Joomla!. It is simply a logical result of the way a browser works.

If you click on a link, say, your browser first request the web server to send the html for the page. It starts analysing it. If it finds links to images, to css files, to javascripts files or to flash files i embedded, then the browser will send additional and separate requests to the server for these added bits.

So if you have for instance an image tag like :
<img src="/images/an-image.jpg"> in the page html source code, then the browser wants to send a "secondary" request to the server to retrieve that image, and be able to display it in the page.

1- If the image src link is absolute, no problem, it just send that request to the server.
2- If the image src link is relative, then it means it is realtive to the current page, and therefore the browser makes the following request : . Of course, such an image does not exist, and therefore the image will be missing when the browser displays the page.

Using an Absolute URL in an <img> tag
width="..." height="..." />

Using a Relative URL in an <IMG> tag
<img src="/../images/email.gif" width="..." 
height="..." />

Check th elink bellow for more information:

Some modules are not showing when MijoSEF is activated

This also applies to problems when correct modules are not showing or the correct menu item is not selected.

This problem is most likely caused by incorrect Itemid set for SEF URL. In such case, you need to go to MijoSEF=>URLs, locate the SEF URL and change the Itemid manually.

You can also try to set the correct URL as Used if there is any duplicated record for that SEF URL, see the following screenshot:


Then the modules associated with particular menu item and it's id (Itemid) will show up correctly.

Unicode (UTF-8) URLs

Before using the UTF-8 feature of MijoSEF, check these questions regarding your server?

1- Does it support the UTF-8 URLs?
2- What is its default encoding?
3- Does it preserve the non-ascii characters when processing the request?

1- Yes
2- UTF-8
3- Yes

URLs containing "." (dot) character gives 404 error

Whether URLs containing "." (dot) character do or do not work is dependant on web server configuration.

The safest solution, and also advantage for SEO, is to leave "." character in the Strip Characters list.

This does not apply to the URL suffix as ".html" or similar.

Users can't register

Your issue is related with the Access Level of the menu item that the user SEF URL is using. You should have a record like the following Real URL in MijoEF=>URL section:


This is the page that Joomla redirects you just before finalizing the registration process but the menu item with the ItemID #20 is viewable only by Registered users.

You should set the index.php?option=com_user (without Itemid variable) as Used.

If you're using Community Builder then you should modify the Itemid value of the record that has task=registered in the Real URL with a Public Access Level Itemid.

What is "Affected Area" ?

Affected Area is the place that MijoSEF uses to show Tags, Internal Links and Social Bookmarks.


MijoSEF can display these 3 features in 3 different ares. The above image describes 2 of them, Main Body and Content areas. In short, Main Body is all the center area without modules, Content area is just the text place.

The third area is Trigger which includes the MijoSEF specific triggers. MijoSEF has 3 different triggers that component developers can use to show Tags, Internal Links and Social Bookmarks into their components. This article will help you (developers) to understand how to use triggers.

Tags: onMijosefTags
Internal Links: onMijosefIlinks
Social Bookmarks: onMijosefBookmarks

How to fire a trigger
JPluginHelper::importPlugin('system', 'mijosef');
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onMijosefTags', array(&$text));

MijoSEF triggers take action in the same place as Content area/plugins.
Most of components supports Content area. For those that don't you can use Main Body or ask their developers to support Content plugins or MijoSEF triggers.

If your developer does not support the Content & MijoSEF plugins then you can use the following modules to display Tags & Social Bookmarks, they will fire the trigger for you:

What is the Joomla ItemID?

ItemID is one of the most important and problematic part of Joomla! and SEF, check the OSTraining tutorial for more info

When should I use the J!1.5 router file instead of MijoSEF extension

If you have an MijoSEF extension for your component you dont NEED to use router.php file unless you dont like the URL rewriting of the extension in comparison with router.php's one.

Why do I have so much 404 URLs?

404 URL/page means that the requested URL/page was not found. The 404 URLs are naturally not wanted by any site admin, they hate them so much so they sometimes can accuse the other party falsely.

The issue

Before using MijoSEF, you may have used the core Joomla SEF or another SEF component. However, after installing MijoSEF, your SEF URLs structure may be changed so you may have different SEF URLs.

Let's explain the reasons that causes 404 URLs/pages:

1. Internal site linking
In this case you and/or your users may have linked any word and/or shared any old/wrong SEF URL in any part of your site.

2. Search engines (Google) records
If your site is not new then search engines like Google probably has recorded your pages on it's search results using your old/wrong SEF URLs structure.

3. Redirects from other sites
You and/or your users may have shared your old/wrong SEF URLs on other sites.

4. Users' typing errors
You and/or your users may have tried to enter any page by enter the SEF URL manually into the browser's address bar but have mistyped it.

As per result if visitors click on those old/wrong SEF URLs they will be redirected to the 404 page.

The solution

We've tried to provide different automatic solutions on MijoSEF but the 100% working solution is to create Moved URLs manually from the old to the new one.
The automatic solution for the first 3 reasons is to import your old SEF URLs if you were using any other SEF component. If you were using the core Joomla SEF then activate the "MijoSEF=>Configuration=>URLs=>Joomla! SEF to MijoSEF" option. If you were not using SEF at all then activate the "MijoSEF=>Configuration=>URLs=>non-SEF to SEF and Generate new SEF" options. With these options MijoSEF will "try" to redirect your visitors to the proper pages automatically.

All those issues are also valid if you've changed any URL created by MijoSEF but have not created any Moved URL for it. We recommend you to use the "Save & Moved" button or enter the previous URL into the Aliases field in such a case:

WordPress links don't work

Applying the following steps will solve this issue:

1. Enable the System - WordPress plugin
2. Enter your blog link (like: my-blog) into the Blog URL path feild of System - WordPress plugin
3. Set the WordPress=>Settings=>Permalinks=>Common settings to anything else than Default.
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